Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Adding Meta Information to a Blogroll

    I found a useful blog post on how to add text fields to the “link management” admin menu in WordPress:  http://planetozh.com/blog/2008/02/wordpress-snippet-add_meta_box/ But how do you save this information into your database?  This is a three step approach. 1.  Add the fields to you database: add_action(‘activate_geo_blogroll.php’,’geo_blogroll_update_db’); function geo_blogroll_update_db(){ global $wpdb; $wpdb->query(“ALTER TABLE $wpdb->links ADD COLUMN link_city…

  • Developing Alt Law on Mac OS X

    There is a neat project that I have wanted to get involved with for a while called AltLaw. AltLaw is a free open source project developed by the Columbia Law and Technology program. Resources for the project are located at the Law Commons Trac Page. I am trying to get the AltLaw “stack” working on…

  • WordPress 2.6 and Captions

    Last week, The Open Planning Project premiered a new blog called Gotham Schools.  As a blogging platform, we decided to give the newly released WordPress 2.6 a go.  The one feature WordPress added that excited us the most was the ability to add captions to images.  Soon, however, we realized that WordPress/TinyMCE strips any html…

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