Tag: planetdev
Google App Engine Attempt #2
When Google App Engine was released I attended Google’s sprint in New York City excited at the possibility of being able to host python applications without having to deal with the hassles of maintaining a server. I spent the week after the sprint rewriting a Plyons project so that I could host it on App…
Planet WordPress Plugin Released
I love the Planet feed aggregator, but I hate managing it via a text configuration file. I created a WordPress plugin that automatically creates a Planet configuration file from the links that are stored in a WordPress database. Every time a link is updated, deleted, or created, a new planet configuration is generated. For more…
A few weeks ago my employer helped the NY State Senate parse the MTA budget information into a machine searchable format. (The MTA originally published the budget as a PDF.) To parse the PDF I used a utility called pdftohtml to first convert the PDL into an XML document. I then used the python library…
Compiling a Flowplayer Plugin on Mac OS X
For some reason it took me a while to figure out how to compile a flash plugin for Flowplayer. Here were the steps that I took to finally get it working:
Geo Blogroll Plugin Released
I had promised to clean up and release some of the plugins that went into creating Streetsblog.net. Here is the first one: Geo Blogroll.
New Years Resolutions
Inspired by a friend I am going to create list of new years resolutions: Learn a functional programming language. Any suggestions on which one to try out first? Make fewer mockups and write more code. Web frameworks these days allow for such quick development that I think I would be more productive if I just…